Bokeh lens filters
Bokeh lens filters

bokeh lens filters

A prime lens, for those of you that don’t know, is a lens that does not zoom. DSLR - Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera Prime Lens - Lenses with lower f-stops or larger apertures are generally better.


Inkscape is a free program that is downloadable here. Step 1: Materials Adobe Illustrator - Other vector-based drawing programs can also be used such as CorelDRAW or Inkscape. The above video tutorial will explain everything you need to know to create your own lasercut shaped bokeh filters. In the meantime I’ve been outsourcing all my lasercutting projects like these custom bokeh filters. Other people who tested these filters also had the same result.Don’t own a laser cutter? Me neither. I let you judge with the two images below. I must say that I was bluffed: both the ND64 filter and the ND1000 filter have literally no influence on the colors of the images. I decided to make several tests “in the field.” I did the first one inside my house, on a set of clothes of different colors so we can easily see the impact on them. In fine, the objective was to check if there was any color tone between the two pictures (with and without filter).


I then compared the two images on Dxo, by making sure that the white balance in the software was identical between them two. The white balance was set to “Automatic” when shooting, and I had to adapt it later in post processing as the camera could not use the same white balance for two images a few seconds apart, with and without filter.


To explain the “test methodology”, I simply shot different subjects in different locations, all in manual focus, without stabilization, on a tripod and in RAW. Of course, I was able to correct it in post processing (in RAW) but I had to warm up the scene to about +15 000K. I’ve used for example, the famous Big Stopper filter from Lee (10 stops) which completely messes up the white balance, giving a very cold color image – not to say completely blue. So, I was particularly curious to see how these filters from Kolari would perform on this front. I’m thinking in particular of high-density filters like ND1000. If you shoot in RAW, it is less problematic but you will still have to correct your white balance in post processing. If you shoot in JPEG, this will matter because your white balance will not be correct, and you will therefore get a “false picture” in terms of colors. Indeed, some ND filters will clearly tend to impact colors. Where we finally expect the most from an ND filter is its impact on the natural colors of your image. I’ve measured the filter and it is 5mm thick, which is better than my Hoya HD slim filter (8mm).īelow is a comparison of a photo with and without ND filter mounted on my 16-35mm, at 16mm.

bokeh lens filters

You clearly don’t see the filter appearing on the edge of the image, as might be the case with a non-slim filter and with some slim, but thicker filters.


I did some quick tests on different subjects, and I’ve noticed almost no apparent vignetting with the use of the filter on my 16-35mm, at 16mm on a full frame camera (Canon 6D). I’m thinking in particular of the 12-24mm, 14-24mm, as well as the very good Sony 14mm f/2.8 GM that has just been released. Note that my Canon 16-35mm f/4 allows the use of classic screw filters, but this is not the case for all lenses, especially those noted “ultra-wide-angle”. If you are using it for landscape photography, chances are that you are shooting with a wide-angle lens, such as 16-35mm on a full frame camera. This is also a very important point when choosing your filter. Note that ND filters also exist in several diameters, from 49mm to 82mm. It must be said that being in the middle of a pandemic, mailings are quite long … Both filters were sent by Kolari in a 77mm diameter, which is what I asked for in order to fit on my Canon 16-35mm f/4 wide angle lens. We received them after a long wait here on the island of Tahiti. So, we’ve decided not to separate the two filters in this test. As usual, our opinion in this article is unbiased and we are in control of everything we write.Įven if we test both ND filters of the brand they both have many identical points, like the quality of manufacturing, packaging, handling, vignetting etc. Always curious to see how these ones work and especially considering the good reviews we had about them, we agreed to test two ND filters of the brand: a ND64 (5-stops) and a ND1000 (10-stops). Kolari is a brand particularly known in the world of infrared filters. This article is written in partnership with the brand Kolari Vision, who contacted us to test their new ND filter.

Bokeh lens filters